A friend of a friend of ours is a frequent business traveler. Let's call him Dave. Dave was recently in Atlantic City for an important meeting with clients. Afterward, he had some time to kill before his flight, so he went to a local bar for a drink. He'd just finished one drink when an attractive woman approached and asked if she could buy him another. He was surprised but flattered. Sure, he said. The woman walked to the bar and brought back two more drinks — one for her and one for him. He thanked her and took a sip. And that was the last thing he remembered.
Rather, that was the last thing he remembered until he woke up, disoriented, lying in a hotel bathtub, his body submerged in ice. He looked around frantically, trying to figure out where he was and how he got there. Then he spotted the note: don't move. Call 911.
A cell phone rested on a small table beside the bathtub. He picked it up and called 911, his fingers numb and clumsy from the ice. The operator seemed oddly familiar with his situation. She said, "Sir, I want you to reach behind you, slowly and carefully. Is there a tube protruding from your lower back?"
Anxious, he felt around behind him. Sure enough, there was a tube. The operator said, "Sir, don't panic, but one of your kidneys has been harvested. There's a ring of organ thieves operating in this city, and they got to you. Paramedics are on their way. Don't move until they arrive."
Tal vez han escuchado o les ha llegado esta historia, o similares, acerca del amigo de un amigo: no se han dado cuenta que los primos o amigos de los amigos siempre tienen historias y vidas mucho más interesantes que las nuestras... en fin... A pesar de ser una leyenda urbana, esta historia vende más y ha recorrido más rápido la web que muchas verdades que muchos diario digitales exponen día tras días:
“There are hundreds of versions in circulation about the Kidney story, and all of them share a core of three elements: (1) the drugged drink, (2) the ice-filled bathtub, and (3) the kidney-theft punch line. One version features a married man who receives the drugged drink from a prostitute he has invited to his room in Las Vegas. It's a morality play with kidneys.
Imagine that you closed the book right now, took an hourlong break, then called a friend and told the story, without rereading it. Chances are you could tell it almost perfectly. You might forget that the traveler was in Atlantic City for "an important meeting with clients" — who cares about that? But you'd remember all the important stuff.
The Kidney Heist is a story that sticks. We understand it, we remember it, and we can retell it later. And if we believe it's true, it might change our behavior permanently — at least in terms of accepting drinks from attractive strangers.”
Hoy les recomendamos un libro denominado Made To Stick, un análisis completo y extenso (acaban de leer un ejemplo textual) de cómo vender ideas y como diseñar un patrón para que dichas ideas sean como la historia del riñón o muchas otras leyendas urbanas. Es una libro de cabecera para todo aquel que esté relacionado con el negocio de vender ideas, es decir, todos nosotros; porque desde la conversación con el cliente hasta la entrevista de trabajo está relacionada con la narración de una historia que dé a entender nuestras ideas; los dejamos con los seis puntos que Chip y Dan Heath –autores— nos dejan como primeros a tomar en cuenta.
Simple — find the core of any idea
Unexpected — grab people's attention by surprising them
Concrete — make sure an idea can be grasped and remembered later
Credibility — give an idea believability
Emotion — help people see the importance of an idea
Stories — empower people to use an idea through narrative
P.D: también cuentan con un blog interesante en su sitio web: made to stick blog